Clogged by cholesterol level man build-up, calcium deposits, tap water, food preservatives, and more…
High Cholesterol level man blood levels (hypercholesterolemia) is one of main causes of heart related diseases.
Cholesterol is the soft, waxy material present in most fats in our bloodstream and in the bodies’ cellular walls. The importance of this substance is the part it takes in promoting a healthy body
by forming cell membranes, some hormones and is also needed for other functions Um zu verstehen, wie Cialis® zur Behandlung von ED wirkt, ist es wichtig, zunächst die Grundlagen der Funktionsweise von Erektionen zu verstehen. Erotische Stimulation (durch körperliche Berührung, erotische Gedanken, Gerüche usw.) bewirkt, dass das lokale Gewebe Stickoxid (NO) freisetzt, wodurch die Menge einer Chemikalie namens cyclisches Guanosinmonophosphat (cGMP) erhöht wird. cGMP bewirkt, dass sich die Muskeln an den Seiten des Penis, der Corpora Cavernosa, entspannen und Blut in den Penis fließen kann Gleichzeitig werden Venen, die Blut aus dem Penis ablassen, komprimiert, wodurch das erhöhte Blut im Penis eingeschlossen wird und eine Erektion verursacht. Ein Enzym namens Phosphodiesterase-5 baut cGMP ab, wodurch der Penis in seinen schlaffen Zustand zurückkehrt. PDE5i blockiert wie Cialis® dieses Enzym, was zu höheren cGMP-Spiegeln führt und die Fähigkeit verbessert, eine Erektion zu erhalten und aufrechtzuerhalten..
This lipid (fat) can’t brake-up in the blood. It must be taken to and from the cells by specific transporters called lipoproteins. The ones we need to focus on are low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
and high-density lipoprotein (HDL).
The Hidden Heart Attack Trigger
LDL is the main carrier of this fat in the blood. Too much LDL can build up over time in the walls of the arteries that feed the heart and brain. LDL with along other elements can form a kind of plaque, it’s a thick hard deposit that can clog those arteries. It is a condition known as atherosclerosis. A clot that is near the plaque in the artery that leads to the heart can block the flow of blood causing a heart attack. If the clot is near the brain a stroke is possible. You may be at risk if your LDL level
is (160 mg/dl) or higher. If you have a heart related problem you should be looking at a LDL level of 100 mg/dl.
The “Magic Fat” That Reverses Clogged Arteries
About 1/3 to 1/4 of the fats are carried by HDL. Most studies show that HDL carries fat away from the arteries and back to the liver, which take the excess fat out of the body and can reduce plaque growth in the arteries. A good HDL level 40 mg/dl and higher can reduce chances of heart attack and stroke risks.
There is something called LP(a). This is a gene variety of blood LDL. Too high a level can lead to a development of atherosclerosis early. How to much LP(a) assists in heart disease is not known.
If there are sores in the walls of the arteries this could react with LP(a) leading to fat deposits building up.
Fats and Your Diet Not Always A Prefect Match Find Out More…
Men get their fats in 2 ways. Our body – mostly the liver – makes it in some amounts, around 1,000 mgs a day. Certain foods we eat contain varied amounts of fats. Animal products (egg yolks, meat, poultry, fish, seafood and whole--milk dairy products) have it. Some foods from plants (fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds) don’t contain this type of fat.
Our body produces enough of this fat. Foods we consume that have Saturated fatty acids aid in increasing risk of heart disease by elevating blood lipids. Trans fats also raise blood lipids. The average American male eats almost 337mgs of lipid fat daily.
Part of the extra fat is passed through the body from the liver. The AHA suggest you limit lipid fat intake to less than 300 mgs per day. If you have a heart condition 200 mgs is recommend.
If you have very high blood lipid levels you may need higher reductions. Take care in the amount of animal product you consume. No more than 6 ozs. of lean meat, fish and poultry a day also using fat-free and low-fat dairy products. A high alternate source of protein comes from the bean family.
Let’s Get Physical!!!
A Consistent exercise program has been link to higher levels of HDL in some men. Which studies show can lower risk of heart disease. Check with your doctor before you start any exercise program. Even lower intensity workouts are helpful: walking, dancing, yard work and gardening. Just do something.
No Butts Put Down That Cigarette!
Smoking is shown to lower HDL and increase risk factor for blood clotting.
Cheers! Have A Drink But, Not To Much
Some resource show that drinking in moderation has some effect on HDL to increased its levels.
Because of other adverse factors associated with alcohol. It is recommend not to consume any
If you do make an effort to drink only 1–2 drinks daily
Cholesterol level man is a big problem because of the of the fast pace of life we eat things not really good for use Learn More Man Health Here